how to register a company in iran

?How to register a company in Iran

Why register in Iran?  How much does it cost to register a company in Iran?  What are the documents required to register a company in Iran? What kind of company is best for me?  Can foreigners register company in Iran? We answer all these questions.  To register a limited liability company in Iran, at least two partners are required and you must have at least three shareholders to register a particular joint stock company.  Non-Iranians can register up to 100% of the company without an Iranian partner.  We can register for you in all Iranian cities including Tehran and all provinces.  The cost of registering a company in Iran starts at $ 100 and can go up with other fees, including the official newspaper and tax code.  We in Iran can also rent a virtual telephone line so you can have a fixed telephone line with a virtual secretary in Tehran, and customers who call this telephone line can connect to you using call transfer.  We can also design a Persian language site for you in Iran so that your Iranian customers can view your information and contact information on this site.  Our company provides the most complete service for you in Iran without your presence. 

Register a company will be easy with Agahsabt law firm.

You can also get free consultations via our WhatsApp consultant 24/7.  Just store +989122850086 in your phone and keep in touch with our senior advisor, Mr. Paydar.

 Mr. Paydar can provide you with the most complete and specialized advice on registering your company and brand in English 24 hours a day. In addition, our company has an official license from the General Registry of Companies. You can also use our good service to register your brand and get a business card in Iran.

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